Thursday, February 3, 2011

Latitude: 3 degrees North
Longitude: 18 degrees West

Our ship is now crossing the Atlantic ocean.  We left Manaus a week ago, and we get to Ghana on Sunday.  This is one of our longest times at sea, and we have been out of sight of land for days now.  It's strange being in the middle of the ocean with nothing around you, but it can be fun watching the waves and the patterns they make.  We crossed the Mid-Atlantic Ridge yesterday, which is a long series of underground volcanoes in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that mark a tectonic plate boundary.  Have you learned about tectonic plates yet?  They're huge pieces of the Earth's crust that the oceans and continents sit on, and they move very slowly.  The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is separating Europe from North America at roughly the same speed that your finger nails grow.
I'm excited to get to Ghana.  I've never been to Africa before, so I don't know what it's going to be like.  I'll let you know more about Ghana when I get there!

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