Saturday, February 12, 2011

Latitude 0 degrees
Longitude 0 degrees

Today we crossed the point where the equator meets the prime meridian.  This spot is in the Atlantic Ocean just off the west coast of Africa, south of Ghana, which we left yesterday.  The equator is the 0 degree line of latitude, and divides the world into northern and southern hemispheres.  It runs horizontally around the middle of the globe.  The prime meridian is the 0 degree line of longitude, which run vertically north to south around the globe.  It splits the world into eastern and western hemispheres.  The place where they all meet looks just like a regular patch of ocean, but everyone on the ship went outside when we crossed it, so we could say we have seen it.  The captain blew the ship's horn when we were at the point where the two lines meet, and we got to be in all four hemispheres at once!

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